Tools and Services to improve
your engineering efficiency
Tools and Services to improve your
engineering efficiency
Control Design Suite

Control Design 2.0

The easiest way to design
Smart Buildings!

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Beta Tester Application Form
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BIMdance Control Design Online
Design Building Automation Systems in web browser
  • Automation drawings, panels, wiring and connection diagrams, signals tables, bill of materials, and much more.
  • Built-in Brick Ontology support for future applications.
  • API for third-party integrations and data extraction.
  • Cloud-based. Ready for use anytime, anywhere.
BIMdance Control Design Autodesk Revit Plugin
Design Building Automation Systems in BIM environment
All Cloud CD features, including custom templates, interface, databases, and workflow. And all of it is inside Autodesk Revit!
  • Floor plans layouts generation
  • Cable lengths calculation
  • Native support of Autodesk Revit workflow for collaboration and data exchange with architects, HVAC, and electrical engineers
  • Project design and BIM modeling at the same time!
To purchase BIMdance Control Design, contact us at [email protected]
BIMdance SNMP SmartConnector


A must-have in every
Ecostruxure Building project!

Get Free Trial
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Monitoring and data exchange between EBO and critical IT infrastructure
Integrate and monitor AS servers, IP routers, PDUs, UPSs, CCTV cameras, IoTs, and more. Catch issues before they impact operations.
Try it Risk-Free
Robust security is confirmed by independent assessment.
Invest in Peace of Mind
A one-time fee of 1,920 USD gives you access to all your project's SNMP devices. Far less than the cost of even one system failure.
To get all the details join our Discord server or Email us!
BIM Electrical Design

BIM Electrical

Tool for electrical engineering
in Autodesk Revit

Learn more
From medium voltage and transformators to electrical outlets - full electrical system design for buildings.
  • Electrical calculations
  • Cable tracing
  • Electrical equipment smart selection
  • Smart One-line Diagram
  • Layout generator: Schemes, Cable lists, Bill of materials, and much more
And all of it is inside Autodesk Revit.
Control Design Suite

Design 2.0

Apply as Beta Tester

The easiest way to design
Smart Buildings!

Learn more

Beta Tester Application Form

Thank you for subscribing!
BIMdance Control Design Online
Design Building Automation Systems in web browser
  • Automation drawings, panels, wiring and connection diagrams, signals tables, bill of materials, and much more.
  • Built-in Brick Ontology support for future applications.
  • API for third-party integrations and data extraction.
  • Cloud-based. Ready for use anytime, anywhere.
BIMdance Control Design Autodesk Revit Plugin
Design Building Automation Systems in BIM environment
All Cloud CD features, including custom templates, interface, databases, and workflow. And all of it is inside Autodesk Revit!
  • Floor plans layouts generation
  • Cable lengths calculation
  • Native support of Autodesk Revit workflow for collaboration and data exchange with architects, HVAC, and electrical engineers
  • Project design and BIM modeling at the same time!
To purchase BIMdance Control Design, contact us at [email protected]
BIMdance SNMP SmartConnector


Get Free Trial

A must-have in every
Ecostruxure Building project!

Learn more
Please, choose the payment option
Monitoring and data exchange between EBO and critical IT infrastructure
Integrate and monitor AS servers, IP routers, PDUs, UPSs, CCTV cameras, IoTs, and more. Catch issues before they impact operations.
Try it Risk-Free
Robust security is confirmed by independent assessment.
Invest in Peace of Mind
A one-time fee of 1,920 USD gives you access to all your project's SNMP devices. Far less than the cost of even one system failure.
To get all the details join our Discord server or Email us!
BIM Electrical Design


Tool for electrical
engineering in Autodesk

Learn more
From medium voltage and transformators to electrical outlets - full electrical system design for buildings.
  • Electrical calculations
  • Cable tracing
  • Electrical equipment smart selection
  • Smart One-line Diagram
  • Layout generator: Schemes, Cable lists, Bill of materials, and much more
And all of it is inside Autodesk Revit.
BIM modeling
High-quality models for BMS Electrical,
Security systems, and products

BIMdance creates BIM models using Autodesk Revit for products and equipment. We understand the importance of accurate and detailed information in the design and construction. Our BIM models reflect that by including only the most critical information for the project.

Our parametric smart families make the models user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for our clients to navigate and understand the features of the products and equipment. This approach allows us to highlight the unique characteristics of each product.

BIM BMS project design
Full project design cycle for Hotels,
Office buildings, DataCentres,
Healthcare facilities in Autodesk Revit

BIMdance uses Autodesk Revit to create Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Building Management Systems (BMS) project designs. By combining these two fields, we can provide an enhanced design experience that includes improved collaboration and coordination among all project stakeholders. Our BIM models feature advanced visualization and simulation capabilities, allowing more accurate cost estimation and scheduling.

The BMS project design in Autodesk Revit also improves building performance and energy efficiency. Additionally, our approach to system documentation and maintenance ensures that building operators have access to accurate and up-to-date information throughout the building's lifespan.

Concept design and system
specifications, algorithm checking

BIMdance provides consulting services for building management systems concept design, including comprehensive planning, customized design to meet building-specific needs, and minimizing errors and delays during implementation and commissioning. We work closely with building owners and operators to develop a plan that meets their requirements and improves the building's performance and energy efficiency. Our team of experts will work with you to ensure that the BMS is installed and configured correctly and that all stakeholders are properly trained on how to operate and maintain the system.

BIM modeling
High-quality models for BMS Electrical, Security systems, and products
project design
Full project design cycle for Hotels, Office buildings, DataCentres, Healthcare facilities in Autodesk Revit
Concept design and system specifications, algorithm checking

BIMdance creates BIM models using Autodesk Revit for products and equipment. We understand the importance of accurate and detailed information in the design and construction. Our BIM models reflect that by including only the most critical information for the project.

Our parametric smart families make the models user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for our clients to navigate and understand the features of the products and equipment. This approach allows us to highlight the unique characteristics of each product.

BIMdance uses Autodesk Revit to create Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Building Management Systems (BMS) project designs. By combining these two fields, we can provide an enhanced design experience that includes improved collaboration and coordination among all project stakeholders. Our BIM models feature advanced visualization and simulation capabilities, allowing more accurate cost estimation and scheduling.

The BMS project design in Autodesk Revit also improves building performance and energy efficiency. Additionally, our approach to system documentation and maintenance ensures that building operators have access to accurate and up-to-date information throughout the building's lifespan.

BIMdance provides consulting services for building management systems concept design, including comprehensive planning, customized design to meet building-specific needs, and minimizing errors and delays during implementation and commissioning. We work closely with building owners and operators to develop a plan that meets their requirements and improves the building's performance and energy efficiency. Our team of experts will work with you to ensure that the BMS is installed and configured correctly and that all stakeholders are properly trained on how to operate and maintain the system.

Buildings are responsible for almost 40%
of the world's total CO2 emissions.

Filling the dataflow gaps through
the building lifecycle, we help to
establish a solid base for
the decarbonization journey.

Filling the dataflow gaps through the
building lifecycle, we help to establish
a solid base for the decarbonization
